#Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with…

#Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with…

#Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline.

# Adrenaline is a hormone, neurotransmitter, and medication.

The harvesting of an adrenal gland from a live victim to obtain adrenochrome for drug abuse was a plot feature in the first episode "Whom the Gods Would Destroy", of Series 1 of the British TV series Lewis (2008). In Anthony Burgess' 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange, "drencrom" (presumably the Nadsat term for adrenochrome) is listed as one of the potential drugs that can be added to ‘milk-plus’ - a drink that helps infuse ‘courage’ before a rampage of rape and violence.

Adrenaline-Epinephrine is the unoxidized version of Adrenochrome and is normally produced by both the adrenal glands. It plays an important role in the fight-or-flight response by increasing blood flow to muscles, output of the heart, pupil dilation, and blood sugar. It does this by binding to alpha and beta receptors. It is found in many animals and some single-cell organisms.

Napoleon Cybulski first isolated epinephrine in 1895.

Adrenaline and adrenochrome have some very strange effects on our emotions. This has been scientifically proven with injections under the skin of adrenaline and adrenochrome. Firstly, It has been found that adrenergic hormones, such as adrenaline-epinephrine, can produce retrograde enhancement of long-term memory in humans.

The fact that loss of memories is one of the primary factors in dementia and the loss of one of the most important life skills, suggests to me that adrenochrome may indeed be consumed by wealthy people who want to retain their memories - adrenochrome also combats the effects of asthma and can even heal bronchial infections if it is inhaled - again, bronchial ailments are responsible for contributing to debilitating old age.

As you grow old, your eyesight fails, but American ophthalmologist William H. Bates discovered adrenaline's usage and positive effect on eye surgeries in 1896. But adrenochrome [which is the oxidized equivalent of adrenaline-epinephrine] has some very unusual psychological effects too.